Wednesday 20th
10.46 - Starting with vox poping (interviewing) a family on their way into Prime Ministers Questions about MP's expenses with Jon and Tom on sound.

11.23 - Tom and Gary laughing at their expense possibly?

11.24 - Though someone doesn't look too amused.

12.10 - Syd takes Gordon's sandwich - how does he do that?

14.32 - Jet lag from a weekend in NY taking its toll on Tom. At least he doesn't snore.

Thursday 21st
04.28 - M27, Jnc2 - nice and early.

05.34 - The garage. Very early.

06.59 - All set up and ready for a live at 07.00 - which was biffed. Getting up extra early is always worth it when this happens. Have I said I was up early at all?

07.17 - Finished hooveing the pavement and heading back indoors... The lengths people will go to when they know Joannah Lumley is coming.

09.50 - On the way out of Downing Street. The coldest unsunniest street in the whole of christendom - well at very least London.

11.26 - Gurkha VC holders mustering for the announcement about residency.

11.48 - Glum - even Richie (with the camera looks glum) - for no need. There the followed a 25 min hand held live shot of the celebrations - and I only fell off my box the once.

Friday 22nd
05.17 - Sunrise over the M3 near Winchester

08.11 - Big brother at the BBC.

08.11 - Sara and kit.

08.11 - Jake (todays soundie) - where he should be - behind barriers

09.08 - Jakes big breakfast at the ever excellent Regency Cafe. Can't beat it - though I looked on with envy - having had my Shreddies earlier.

18.03 - Watering Mutt's garden.

Saturday 23rd
05.14 - Stunning low lying mist in the New Forest.

06.35 - Morning sunlight breaks through Birdcage Walk

06.36 - Even more stunning when there is no-one around to obscure the sighs.

09.26 - Ramsay (on sound) fiddling with Peters earpiece on the green or what is left of it that we can use.

11.20 - Emily sporting Ramsays headphones as he popped off to get some snacks. Not happy.

14.30 - People watching. (Phone camera)

19.53 - 7 days old and broken already. My stars did say I shouldn't buy anything electrical this month... of course I only read that after I'd bought the camera.

Sunday 24th
07.03 - Canada Gate / Buckingham Palace - a couple of News of the World journo's bribed a driver to get into the Queens garage... Despite the screen being broken it still takes photo's though half were out of focus..

07.06 - Sara ready - we're redundant so get a cup of tea instead.

10.01 - Wearing Timberland boots and jeans a big mistake today.... now much cooler whilst doing lives on Abingdon Green. (Back with the phone again).

17.49 - Back home + finished shift + sunny = bike ride along the prom.... as its a Bank Holiday absolutely stuffed with people - especially around the piers.

18.11 - As far as I can go - Sandbanks Ferry. The tide has turned, coming back in quiet quickly and the fishermen are out in force. Now for a gentle ride back home and dinner.

Well despite breaking it - on the whole am very pleased with the new camera... just have to get it fixed now!!