Friday 23 October 2009

Where's Billy Been - 2009?

October -
Tripoli, Libya - 1145 miles SE
Palma, Mallorca, Spain - 799 miles SSE
Manchester - 195 miles N

September -
Geneva - 479 miles SW (an upsetting tale follows)

Billy was taken hostage by the evil vege Lisa Holland.

As a counter point Rabbit was shown the metal of our resolve in order to get Billy back...

Happily reunited after a short stint in captivity - freed by guile and ingenuity.

Zurich - 522 miles WSW

August -
Blaengarw, Wales - 100 miles NW
Trebetheric, Cornwall - 138 miles W

July -
Gibraltar - 1023 miles SSW
Evian, France - 486 miles - SE

June -
Messac Port, France - 200 miles - S

Southampton Airport - 24 miles - W

May -
Sedlec, Czech Republic - 802 miles - W

April -
Basra, Iraq - 2876 miles - S

March -
Bombay (OK Mumbai if you insist), India - 4,547 miles - E
Copenhagen, Denmark - 685 miles - E

February -
Tintagel, Cornwall - 210 miles - W

January -
Sesmanas, Portugal - 995 miles - SE
Gatwick Airport - 76 miles - NE
Downing Street - 90 miles - NE
Home - 0 miles