Showing posts with label sri lanka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sri lanka. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 November 2005


After getting a few hours kip it was time to handover to Dave who was taking Ashish onwards to the Village, where they had been after the Tsunami, to film some specials for the year on anniversary.

Here they are doing a live looking at a Palace building.


After this, we finished packing and said our farewells.

Throughout both trips, Ashish was a good travelling companion, even if he can only just about boil water and shouts alot when on the phone!!

Despite this we still managed to produce two fantastic films that went down very well back at home.

It was fun.

Wednesday, 16 November 2005

At Last

Having driven for miles and miles, been sent on a number of wild goose chases, thanks to Nevilles persistence we finally we got our interview with the Prime Minister, one of the two main contenders for the Presidency. We had secured the other a few days before - trust me you are not getting names here as the are long and complicated.

We had photos with both as one would be President in two days!


That interview was in the morning and by the time we had finished and got back to the hotel we were running 5 hours late for our edit. Another 10 hour stretch sat in my make shift edit suite we finished our 10 min film at 11pm by which time I was getting grumbly despite the constant food and pots of tea.


Champagne was called for and we celebrated a good couple of trips with Ashish we before we seperated. Neville and I back to India and Ashish back to the Village. After that I promptly fell asleep, only to wake periodically throughout the night to make sure the film was safely on its way back to London by internet.

Sunday, 13 November 2005


Yet again we got up at OO plonk to catch our flight. Thankfully check-in was at a near by school with everyone lining up under a covered area that was used for eating lunches as it was drizzling.

Once we had been stamped, sorted had each of the 10 pieces of luggage opened, checked and weighed we got on the bus. Only for him to reverse into a wet boggy bit.


Despite his best efforts at spining the wheels and making us sink further into the mud, eventually the driver got everyone off the bus, which gave it a much needed lift. With some additional rocking, pushing and throwing stuff under the wheels, the bus got on to solid land with mud splattered passengers this time!

We then got on the bus again with out being checked - ahhh security. When we got the military airport there were big signs saying that mobiles phones or taking pictures would be dealt with - with minimum force!

“Listen here love - do you mind putting that camera away or I will have to, have to… clean your shoes for you.”

And when we arrived we were on the phone and taking pictures!

Back in Columbo we sttled into the Galadari Hotel. A five star (not quiet) but only 60 dollars a night. One does equate the other. It was pleasant though.


We spent the next couple of days chasing politicians around and having some very good food. One meal - I’ll find the restaurant name - fantastic - fabulous sea food with a couple of bottles of very nice French Chablis and only about 40 pounds for the three of us.


Saturday, 12 November 2005

The Tigers

The most important thing we needed from this part of the trip was to see some actual Tigers doing stuff - something, anything. Everytime we saw DM we asked and even did so with the Information Minister. Nothing, no, no, no the answer was always the same.

We got to DM’s office early and waited for an answer…


And waited…


Three hours later success. We headed out of Killinochchi to another cemetary and waited…. and waited… Not three buses all at once but a truck load - better than nothing.


We moved away from the cemetary to a nearby field and got them to do some stuff. Their group was made of of both men and women but they did not interact at all - in fact kept themselves in two seperate groups at all times.


The obligitary picture of my butt!


Not all had weapons but those that did kept them absolutely spotless and could strip them down in no time at all.


We didn’t have much time with them so filmed as much as possible including a promo for our piece. Well its not everyday you get to meet bonafide ‘terrorists’.


When posing for the group photo again they split into two. We had Daya Master in the middle, who didn’t seem to happy at posing.


Having got our pound of flesh we headed off back to Jaffna, trying to make sure we would be through the checkpoints before curfew at 5.30pm or we would be stuck on the Tamil side. The Tamil Tigers website is here. We couldn’t find any flags for sale but here they are $50 each. Hmmm, not sure though as you have to pay by cheque and your name WILL doubtless go on a list of supporters. Shame as its a nice flag for the collection.

We reached the checkpoint at about 5.00pm. Ashish and Neville hasitly made there way through to the Red Cross post at our end of the 100m stretch of no mans land - trying to arrange permission to film in the middle. Not wanting to be shot we thought it best. A quick series of phone calls through Geneva and Coloumbo and Killinochchi, the answer was Yes. Two takes looking from one side to the other and we were out of there sharpist just as the Red Cross was shutting the gates.


The team photo with the driver, fixer (names forgotten), Ashish, Me and Neville, back in Jaffna waiting for dinner and filling in the time drinking - strange that.


Not even the beer in focus, shows that Neville doesn’t drink much!


Friday, 11 November 2005


Up early the next morning we headed off to Mullativo which was hit by the Tsunami last year. Like most of the devstated areas the immediate coastal region was hit but not too far inland things seemed to be OK. We headed straight to the beach and saw lots of new fishing boats along the way to suppliment those that had been lost.


Most of the boats seemed still awaiting distribution and only those right on the shore actually in use.


Next to the beach was a church that the locals were repairing - it looked a once beautifull building - and given nearly a year had passed not much work had really been done. This must be an indication of how poor the people are and the lack of relief funds available. The rebels and government had sorted a deal out but this was blocked by a band of Buddhist monks.


On the way back we stopped at a Martyrs graveyard - where rebels were buried if killed in the struggle to gain a free Tamil.


There were at least 2000 graves in this cemetary alone.


That night, before heading back to the ‘pub’ and having fried rice and omelet again - our staple meal, every meal so far, we interviewed the ‘Information Minister’ who was once a fighting cadre before and accident where he lost his leg - now wooden. He was smiling the whole time.


His bodyguard, complete with hobnail boots and Browning 9mm wasn’t.

Thursday, 10 November 2005

Jaffna Cakes

I’m sure when you go to Jaffna you are supposed to buy some cakes - thats where you get the best ones from. Not Ashish - he has to take a cake.


To be fair it was his birthday yesterday and the cake is from his girlfriend. We are in northern Sri Lanka about to venture into Tamil Tiger territory which covers about a sizeable amount of the north west of the country (about 1/4) for a piece about the Sri Lankan elections in a week or so.


First stop was the local tea house for some a quick cuppa - this the kitchen - about on par for this part of he world - not really something you want to see, but when you need to go.


We then went to interview a woman who’s husband had been killed about a week before by gunmen who turned up at his house and shot him dead - allegedly for encouraging people to vote. A part fo the problem in this part of Sri Lanka where the town of jaffna is government controlled but very much on the side of the rebels.

Due to the conflict between the two the town once the second city has been desterted by its population and people are in makeshift homes - this was once the railway station - now resident to a dozen families or so.


There is a thin strip of land called Elephant Pass which connects Jaffna to the main island. It is here where a lot of the fiercest fighting took place. It is however very beautiful.


In the afternoon we made our way to Tamil country and passed through the two sides checkpoints before curfew and made our way to Killinochi - the rebel headquarters.


Here Dayer Master (DM), their media spokesman, had reserved us rooms at one of the two guest houses. Five star as you can see.


Fortunately because I have all the boxes I got a private room! Good job I took some DVD’s too as there was little to do, no TV and dark by 6.30pm. In fact they were a blessing as the rooms backed on to the pub bit of the guest house. With headphones on none the wiser.


The aircon may look nice but it didn’t work.