Ben on the move, sporting my hat and boots. Good thing is - any shoes the boys now have will fit me!! Cast off's ahoy!!


Having navigated through two clues we find the site of the cache.

They seek it here, they seek it there, prodding with a stick as they go. Think thats to scare the snakes away - a bit cold for them Jess.

Remnants of a lightning strike.

"Ben, Jess, whats this?"

Making sure it's not a snake Jess gives the box a quick prod.

"Hurray - we found the treasure!!"

Ben's obviously not so afraid of snakes.

And gives it to Jess....

Who takes charge of examining the contents.

Inside is a little teddy bear - which is our spoil. The only thing we have to leave is a pair of AA batteries. Inside was a strange note - which is what I should carry around as swaps - have enough of them.

Such a fantastic way to spend a morning.

Made even better with some tea and cookies.

More frosty stumps.

And time for a little tree hug - or snooze along the way.

And then on the way back to the car we spot a den.

That's got to be one of the next things we do - making a den.

Any on the final stretch back to the car the kids are dwarfed by the majesty of the trees.

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