Well she almost didn't as neither myself, nor the photpgrapher there, nor the Queen's Press Secretary saw it. When asked by the pool journo who was there about the handshake we denied it. He catagorically said it happened so we had to check the footage back again. It did and it didn't.
Here it is and as you can quite plainly see from the screen grab the Queen is shaking hands with this gentleman (who has Aids.)

When you play the footage back the Queen starts on the left of the Doctor (in the blue coat) and offers her hand. She then disappears behind the doctor and the man profers his hand and bows. They then separate and the Doctor moves out of the way - so there you have it - undeniable proof that the deed actually happened.
The snapper didn't get it as he was on my left and the Doctor was giving 'good back'.

The man's daughter looking on as the Queen is told how many of the family have aquired Aids.
Later on during the visit some of the children at the hospital (Mild May) put on a fashion show for the Queen and Prince Philip. This little girl and the others who followed were all very cute and seemed to get younger and younger wearing traditional costumes.

They really seemed to enjoy it as well.
This baby sadly didn't get to see the Queen but is in the very good hands of the staff.

As my first pool event on a Royal tour it didn't go too badly and the Queen didn't complain about me wearing shirt and tie - together with my hat - well she was wearing one too and it was hot and sunny. Obviously didn't recognise me or see me from the night before.