Thursday, 22 June 2006

The Mill

Why is it just as you are about to leave somewhere you always find a little gem very close by. This was exactly the same with this bay only a mile or to from the apartment. Oh well.

Its the site of an old logging mill. We had a picnic lunch here a couple of hours before this photo was taken, but on the other side. Then the whole bay was empty - the kids had a great time turning over rocks and running away when loads of crabs scurried out.


Now however its a different matter. Aaron playing plonk again or trying to hit the uprights with Ben continuing the crab hunt.


Crabs! Arrrgh run away….


Jessica, as usual, was on top of the world again.


How she does that I don’t know but she does and she is good at it.


Not only can Jess climb up the impossible but she can walk on water and balance on old rotting supports. Notice how she is not wet - not even a tiny bit. Trust me I didn’t get wet either, you must be joking - how then? Yes I made her stand there until the tide came in…. only joking.


And with that thought which isn’t really worth pondering on the sun sets on Beautiful British Columbia. A much better thing to think about and experience.
