Friday, 18 November 2005

Sports Day

School Sports Day. Starting with the march past of the school houses, Red, Green, Yellow and Blue. So imaginative! Aaron obviously feeling proud. What U can’t understand is how Jessica manages to be in Yellow when the boys are in Green.


And there’s a surprise - Jessica is looking!


Jess passing a friend and the half way mark in her race.


Meanwhile Ben finishes the boys year 5 sprint - all be it in last place.


Jess again doing one of the ‘fun’ races for which her team finished third.


And finally Aaron receiving his medal for third place in the high jump, clearing a staggering 1.25m or 4ft 1 inch and a bit in old money.


It’s also the day after I was voted in as a Governor of the school - without even being there - what is the world coming to? I was on my way back from Sri Lanka and arrived just in time to give my self a vote though. Kathy must be very good at promotion thats all I can say!!