Wednesday, 6 July 2005

London Wins

Indochine Restaurant… Big Screen… Tense Nervous Audience. Drama or what and tears before the announcement. It seriously did go mad when we won - fantastic news for London and the UK in the longterm but over the next seven years I think those living in the UK will get a tad bored with the constant Olympic news.

We needed to go live and had to share the costs and time with the BBC. Fine and working together we tried hard to get through an inpromptu location without having all the right kit.

Here we have Ben Brown using our phone and earpiece - me holdong the phone to make it work and using some of our cables to get the audio out…


He still didn’t get on…. as the Beeb couldn’t find the satellite. Our turn five mins later was perfect!!

And then we were live when Becks came out to say hi.


Victria looking and acting particualrily Posh as too.


And a while afterwards they (the BBC) got really p*s*d at us for not sharing!! Oh well sometimes you try!