And houses on the hill over looking the city.
Thursday, 13 May 2010
My Window
And houses on the hill over looking the city.
Saturday, 8 May 2010
What a Mix
Sweet & Sour Chicken and Prawns with Ginger.
Well I think so.
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Moving – well just to sleep
I got back to the hotel yesterday around lunch time. The banging and
drilling from renovations on the 5th floor were resonating with full
force through the reinforced concrete structure. Instead of having a Caesar salad delivered to my room I went to the lounge where it was a little more peaceful. Finishing up I ventured back to the room but it was too much, just constant construction. Hotels are supposed to be quiet peaceful places. A bit difficult when filled with noise and vibrations. Bad enough missing my own space but this, so I made a few phone calls and went for a walk.
Coming out of the lifts I walked up to the reception desk on my floor
and asked for the bill. The noise you see. The poor staff looked
absolutely crest fallen. Explaining that it was nothing to do with them
or the service, its just this was my home I wanted peace and quiet - which
sadly they couldn't provide. Absolutely nothing to do with them. After a little more reassurance I went to pack. Shortly after there was a knock at the door. One of the managers was there and she was very sorry but could they move me one floor up. I explained about the vibrations and it would make very little difference to which she agreed.
As if I was being ejected I was escorted out by the Manager and Club Floor Manager. Downstairs I was handed a gift, completely unnecessary, but kind of sweet. Waiting for Shiv to pick me up a taxi drew up and as I then found out our account manager stepped out to try and persuade me to move to their other hotel. Had it been closer to the office I may have moved there but the plan was to move to a hotel next door – much more convenient. We were then joined by the Sales Manager who expressed his sympathies but completely understood and said the ‘noisy’ construction phase should be finished in a week and a half. We’ll see – and if it is I will move back.
Again I explained they hadn’t lost me as a customer. And to prove it despite checking out, last night I went back, first to the Blue Bar – to chat to the bartender, and then to the Blue Ginger again for dinner. The service is great, its quiet with comforting surroundings and the food is excellent. Sat at my usual table the Vietnamese Chef came out smiling and we shook hands. In his broken English he asked me if I liked chicken and if I was coming again tonight. Why? He’d make me a special off the menu dish. Wild horses couldn’t stop me. Apparently I’m the first person he has done this for and I don’t intend to disappoint or disrespect him.
I’m off there now.
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Four Weeks to the Day
sickness and wanting to be back in my flat with a Sainsburys pizza and
glass of wine. Just simple and quiet.
Three weeks and 5 days to go.
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Tuesday, 4 May 2010
My Continued Love with the FRRO…
09.27 - Arrive and join queue to enter building.
10.30 - Applicant #58. Join next queue for 'allocation'.
11.00 - Neville supposed to be joining me later. If its after 12.00 ask
him to bring McDonalds or Subway for lunch. Start writing this whilst
listening to music. Hope the battery lasts. Its also being read over
my shoulder.
12.18 – Moved 20ft and can now see the desk.
12.20 - At the desk and told need extra never needed before paperwork.
Question and told to see the 'In Charge'. Neville arrives to help out.
12.27 - In Charge says we do need the never needed before paperwork.
Given new number, now #84. How does that work? #55 showing on the board.
12.30 - Go back to office to eat lunch. Also check camera with
different lens and write updated to do list.
14.00 - Back at FRRO office as their lunch now finished. Join the
massed ranks of people I left waiting. #67 on the board.
14.15 - Checked never needed before paperwork with new In Charge. Now need letter from hotel confirming residence. Neville on the case. Back to listening to music.
14.51 - Number 84 'come on down'! Fax from hotel not yet received so
'go sit down' again!
15.02 - Hotel faxing the letter. Can see the fax machine but nothing
coming through.
15.14 - Fax arrives. In Charge says no need to copy. Officer says to
copy. What's the point in having an In Charge? Shiv goes to find copy
in the local market as I'm not leaving here.
15.31 - Shiv arrives back with copy. Go to the officer who staples and
stamps my application. And then tells me to take a seat.
15.47 - Wow almost 6.5 hours later and a walk out with my visa -
breaking all Sky's known records for FRRO attendance in a single day.
Off to the gym to get rid of a little frustration...