Saturday, 27 March 2010

Foreword – Delhi Bound

Its a week away or so till I go back to Delhi for 6 weeks. I’m currently sat on the train on the way back from work having dropped my car there after seeing Jess this afternoon and taking Aaron home. Having it there will make life easier when I get back, with holidays I need to take before the end of the year, in getting to and from home – without taking the train. Nice but just as expensive and a lot longer

How do I think about going back? Well that’s why I’m writing this so I can follow my journey – physically and mentally and see how things go. Yes I did ask to go back as I need to validate, I thinks that’s the best word, my thoughts on living there, and working with Alex. Hmmm. It will be interesting to see how our relationship works now. Its one of the things I’m most curious about but also concerned too. Like many things I have found out over the last couple of years – its the apprehension beforehand that causes most anxiety. The actual event works out to be fine.

As for what I’ll be doing – well so far all I have is that after I get to Delhi we’ll soon be going to Afghanistan. Really could do with some more information than that. Will do some digging on Monday when everyone is back in the office.

Things I’m looking forward to – seeing old friends again, which obviously includes Alex, Neville, Arun, Shiv, Risham, Mike…, getting some stuff fixed that in the UK would be thrown away, buying a proper ‘thali’ set and completing some more geocaches along the way. In Delhi there are some definitely – where I’ll drop a couple of travel bugs off. Elsewhere in the region, not so many but I may set some puzzle ones where you have to answer some questions and send in a photo.

What I’m not looking forward to is the 40ºC temperature that they are feeling already. Yuk.

Thursday, 18 March 2010


Well that’s what it says on his shirt – init.


Aaron playing at a school concert last Friday. Came off stage buzzing according to Dan & Sarah, and then called – yes he was – very excited about the reaction they got. Really really loved it and is looking forward to playing at the Aeon festival later in the summer.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Letter from Lucy

This has taken me a while to copy out. I read the letter as soon as it arrived, then put it down and walked past it rather than pick it up again and read it again.

“Lucy has been with me for exactly two months and I am happy to report that she has settled very well and is an absolute sweetheart. She is very well trained and obedient and takes notice of hat I say – unlike her new sister Candy, who is a chocolate lab and has a mind of her own and is totally disobedient! Candy is however very generous and good natured is quite happy to share her home, toys etc with Lucy. Lucy is a farm dog now so she has to live with a cat, six geese and two horses. She is learning not to chase the geese and to let the cat rub on her and sometimes sit beside her. Because she is a farm dog her basket is in the kitchen by the Aga but she loves the sun and today has been lying out on the lawn, even though its a bit cold.

I am sure that she would be delighted to see her master again, but she has decided that I am her security and will do as second best. She is now my shadow and seldom lets me out of her sight.

Her legs are improving and becoming stronger as she is ‘on the go’ most of the day and also has at least three shortish walks per day. I enclose a photograph of her with a Christmas toy.”


Having just typed it out, am shedding a few tears. At least she is in good hands and having a nice gentle, loving & active life now which is what she deserves.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

The Day I…

… shook hands with Indiana Jones..


Can’t you tell by the hat and whip!