He didn't even get the privilege of parking as had nipped down stairs for a well earned loo break before mooring up. Feeling a little more alive we headed into town - grabbed a coffee, tea for me, at a little cafe and wondered around a bit looking for somewhere to eat. Not a whole lot though there was a Mexican. In the mean time Kev's knee started to get gippy so we had to stop at the inevitable Irish pub for a pint of Guinness or 5 and a few games of electronic darts.... darts on an electronic scoreboard really - it added the scores for you. Together with Nik & Dean we wiped the floor with Andy, Nick & Seb. Kev the master of ceremonies / umpire / commentator / critic / coach...

Filled with Mexican food, cooked by a Brit, it was a early night ready for the trip back to Messac the next day - moor up and get le boat to shipshape and hopefully find a bar where we could watch England play football. On the way back upstream we had a look for things to do - looking at the guidebook it was a very easy choice really karting. Looking at the satellite view on google maps the coarse looked absolutely awesome - we were now on a mission and back up to full speed of 10.2 km/h.
Coming up to the last locks - granted that we were all sober - with Nik at the controls not once but twice he managed no miss the hole. Eventually with a little help fending off on either side he manage to get it in. Getting out wasn't particularly smooth either - a little bump here and there. Drink obviously helps making the whole thing just a little bit easier.
Looking over the karts they looked like they would manage a bit more than our speedy vessel - also be a little more maneuverable. Nik just checking the control aren't too confusing perhaps?

Kev explaining how big a helmet he needs.

I think we all wore the hairnets with definite aplomb.

We organised three 10 min races - the first as a warm up - and tiring enough at the end. Like all blokes we relived the glorious moments at each break.

Andy (struggling?) getting his helmet off.

Finished with Karting where I think Seb was the winner, we'll gloss over the rest of the placings especially mine, we bundled back into the van in search of a bar for drink, food and football. We found a bar, with no football - not English football anyway, no food - but ordered pizza from across the street with a wait time of 1.5 hours, and made for the dart board again - this time playing cricket and some other strange games to pass the time. Pizza has never been so wanted, very cheesy when it came, but talk about low sugar levels and suddenly there was life again in the group.
Heading back, we embarked on a game of poker, complimented by cups of tea.... such a bunch of lightweights!

Dean sitting pretty in the winning seat.

But what - Andy sneaks up from behind and nicks all Deans chips in a daring but bold move - well all or nothing!!
With that it was bed and with the sound of more snoringh coming from all sides of the boat made for an restless night sleep - but there'll be more on that later.

Refreshed Dean starts on breakfast.

I can't believe it but for 5 days in a row - a proper fry up with all the trimmings - and today finishing everything off - ohh yes.

Le boat packed up, cleaned on the inside, washed down on the outside, and crammed into the wagon we headed north back up to Cherbourg for the ferry. From the very back seat with Andy and Nick watched as we made out way through the wet streets.

And our little treat on the way was to stop at Mont St Michel. Nothing like a good bit of architecture and culture to round off the trip.

Chilly or excited then Sebastion?

The last time I was here was on a school trip to Dinard when I was at Fernden - must have been around 10 or so. Oh did we have fun spending our Francs on bangers and letting them off in the drains under the prom. Not that I'd do that now at all... far more tourists now and shops full of tat too!!

Kev not best happy as his knees hurting from walking up hill... stopping for a 'kodak' moment we head back down again.

The 'kodak' moment.

Realising we hadn't had a group photo, we stop for one... the master photo being on Deans camera, just hasn't been sent for processing at the time of writing so we have to make do with my phones best effort. Everyone's there Nick, Andy, Nik, Dean, Kev, Seb (busy on the phone) & me.

Go on just try and invade me!!

And if you ate too much at the banquet there's no way you'll be getting out down here!

And of course no visit to the rock would be complete without a proper highly styalised photo.

Or it could just be chucking it down.... while we finished the last of the pizza.
Meanwhile out at sea, halfway across the channel we wave au revoir to France and look forward to getting home again.

Sunny moods all round.
Thanks to Seb & Kev for inviting me last minute, the others for their welcome & am really looking forward to cycling coast to coast next year!!