This was to be a nice walk doing 4 geocaches around Rough Tor.... hmmm. After the first three which were located on Rough Tor we headed across the moor slightly to Maiden Tor.
Through lots of long wet grass and soggy boggy ground we finally come across the treasure site.

Yup a bunch of rocks in the middle of nowhere... well not quite. Anyway we started searching, and searching and searching. The GPS taking us around in circles and the clue being quiet devilish to solve. With sapped energy we sit down and have some packed lunch.

Jessica musing over the contents of her sandwich whilst Pippin looks on and muses on how good it would really really be.

The eater and the thinker.

The clue ran along the lines of 'birds eye view'. And lo there it was... nestled under a couple of stones half way up the rocks... in fact a really good hiding place and well worth the effort it took to find it.

Ben showing willing and ready now he's finished lunch.

Having written in the book, exchanged treasure we pack up all set to find our fourth and last cache... back through the long wet grass, soggy boggy ground.... ahhhh.

Lucy doing her best impression of a mountain goat or a seal....

And having done her impression of various animals... which ever it was she actually succeeded. Not forgetting sounding like a piglet.

Now the final mountain to climb and the last cache.... well Tor on the other side of the valley.

You really can't beat a good walk in fresh air - even if it does take 4 hours!!
Through lots of long wet grass and soggy boggy ground we finally come across the treasure site.

Yup a bunch of rocks in the middle of nowhere... well not quite. Anyway we started searching, and searching and searching. The GPS taking us around in circles and the clue being quiet devilish to solve. With sapped energy we sit down and have some packed lunch.

Jessica musing over the contents of her sandwich whilst Pippin looks on and muses on how good it would really really be.

The eater and the thinker.

The clue ran along the lines of 'birds eye view'. And lo there it was... nestled under a couple of stones half way up the rocks... in fact a really good hiding place and well worth the effort it took to find it.

Ben showing willing and ready now he's finished lunch.

Having written in the book, exchanged treasure we pack up all set to find our fourth and last cache... back through the long wet grass, soggy boggy ground.... ahhhh.

Lucy doing her best impression of a mountain goat or a seal....

And having done her impression of various animals... which ever it was she actually succeeded. Not forgetting sounding like a piglet.

Now the final mountain to climb and the last cache.... well Tor on the other side of the valley.

You really can't beat a good walk in fresh air - even if it does take 4 hours!!