Why they let a load of hacks spoil the furniture who knows but here we are waiting to board for a surprise visit to our boy's in Afghanistan.
Having loaded everything we need in the economy cabin - we head forward. Sadly not all the way but further forward - well when you have a plane for 400 occupied by 40 what do you expect. I guess it was the only one BA had spare.

On board was very pleasant - the crew all very nice - but there again they were hardly stretched.
Having left Heathrow on Friday at 2pm we popped in to Brussels to collect Mr Brown and set off for Delhi.
Gordon came back just as dinner was being served to brief the hacks who were hovereing around him expectantly. As this interrupted dinner and knowing a long day followed with out much sleep, me and Chris from ITN headed back to economy where we had the crew serve us dinner. Most luxuruous economy meal probably ever served!! A movie and little snooze later we land at Delhi - around 4am local time - and wait for our RAF ride to turn up. After a couple of hours wait it does and under the scrutiny of Indian Security forces we wait some more to board.

Everyone in this photo seems to have their eyes closed. Gary on the left our producer, and everyone else.

As we board - through the back - only GB gets to use the front door - our spare plane waits.

I wouldn't say it's as luxurious as the BA flight. It will surely be a very pleasant 3 hours on a canvas seat.

Gary next to John all strapped in - though the seat belts were a bit baffling - just not the usual pushy in type.

And I had the pleasure of sitting next to the toilet. Yes it is the loo. Lift the lid and off you go. Men only I guess.

Thank God no one used it!! The last hour was spent wearing a flak jacket and helmet - really uncomfortable but would possible save your life from small arms fire... though surely if you're in a plane the bullets would come through the floor!
Safely landed, with no shots taken, Gordon meets some of the commandos stationed at Camp Bastion, gives a short speech and then is whisked off to the front line. In the mean time we set up laptop's and Bgans to feed clip's back to London. All three of us Sky, BBC & ITN working together as pool - so everyone gets everything, sharing the work load and making life so much easier for all involved.

After a few hours editing and feeding, and plenty of time of the phone co-ordinating there was actually time for some grub. Very nice too and despite being miles from much - the spicy prawn dish from the US base was very tasty. Tea was good too.

Once more back on the plane we headed to Kabul. Those who had to write wrote - those who didn't slept. Not easy with huge kevlar plates and helmets on. The only one with a helmet on - the RAF Lieutenant at the back of the shot!!

Landing in Kabul Mr B and the advance pool of journo's head off to the palace curtosey of the US Airforce. Big beats and with 3 Apache gun ships in tow. The rest of the press going - went by bus!! Well armoured Chevy Suburbans.

Once they returned, under the cover of darkness, we had done a live, we were bundled back into the Hercules for the 2 hour flight back to Delhi. I mustn't grumble really - we did get fed by the RAF - sandwiches and stuff out of paper bags - very classy!! I did try a self heating meal - add water to a special compound that in turn heats up a ready meal. It worked in making it luke warm. Personally I prefer them cold - but when your hungry - food is food.
Back in Delhi and at the secret hotel - Downing St wouldn't tell us which one - despite the fact that the PM never stays any where else we fed an as live, Gary retired for the evening. With John, a couple of others, having had a little curry we headed down to the bar for drink or two. Bed came at around 2am.
That was Saturday.