Not sure what Lucy's doing an impression of - a pig?

This was actually the only sunny day -the day we went down to Land's End. For most of the rest of the time it was drizzly with the occasional rain. I think there was only one day that was washed out.

A face in the rock.

Perhaps I should brush my hair - or even have a shower. As the camp site doesn't have any once in two weeks is surely enough,

Ben stretching out.

Jess with her pensive look.

Say 'Cheese'.

Jess with hair under control now.

Jess with her inner monster - at the Dr Who exhibition.


A boat - a bus - whatever it is it's absolutely huge.

Why can't I climb the wall?

Ben I want to take your photo...

No not you hand - you...

Look Ben you're not a celebrity...

I'll settle for Jess & Pippin then.

A little girl and a little dog.

No trip would be complete without building a huge castle on the banks of the stream by Brae Hill.

With Lucy over looking operations.